The Hørning City Hall was built with red RT 307 machine-processed ”hand-made bricks”. The longest pre-stressed brick beam is 5 bricks long, 9 layers high and 8.84-m long. The pre-stressed brick beams have a visible side on both exterior sides.

Pre-stressed brick beams treated with slurry plaster are supporting beams in finished buildings. Each beam is 4 bricks wide (47 cm), 10layers high and has a visible side on both exterior sides.

A pre-stressed brick beam treated with slurry plaster is 3 1/2-brick wide (41 cm) and 9.25-cm long. The pre-stressed brick beam has a visible side on both exterior sides. Carlsberg Bjælker have produced some pre-stressed brick beams with over a 12metre span.
The longest pre-stressed brick beam in free-standing masonry has a span of 7.93 m. To bear the wind load, there are wall binders inserted between the two wall braces, so that a grid effect is obtained in the hollow wall structure. The two lowest layers of the brick beams are 41 cm wide.