Please contact Randers Tegl to get information about our sales and delivery terms.
Den gule Højslev vingetegl er fremstillet af samme specielle lerblanding som de problemfrie røde Højslev Tegl.
Den gule farve helt igennem tagstenen skyldes udelukkende, at vi tilsætter titandioxid til den unikke rødlersblanding.
Alle de gode Højslev-egenskaber - tæt smudsafvisende overflade, lav vandoptagelse og frostbestandighed - er helt uændrede.
Højslev er klassiske tagsten udviklet til Skandinaviens hårde klima. Tagstenene produceres på vores teglværk i Højslev. Stenene er baseret på en unik lerblanding med skiferler og brændes i kassetter ved 1050° C – en højere temperatur end mange andre tagsten på markedet. Resultatet er smukke og uforgængelige tagsten i karakteristiske farver og former.
Our roof tiles are hard burnt and extremely resistant, so they withstand even the toughest winter cold. We call it frost guarantee.
The modern single-family home is brick-built. Buildings in brick are robust and are ideal for the Scandinavian climate because brick has properties unlike any other building materials. Brick-built dwellings have a healthy indoor climate, are energy-efficient and last for generations.
See why well-being is something you buildTile has by far the greatest durability and lasts twice as long as the cheapest types of roof. A new roof in tile is more expensive, but actually represents the cheapest solution in the long term. This model illustrates the development in value of a 200 m2 roof over a period of 80 years.
Please contact Randers Tegl to get information about our sales and delivery terms.
Your order will be dispatched as soon as possible.
You can expect to hear from us shortly
Your order will be dispatched as soon as possible.
We will send you the addresses as soon as possible. You are welcome to take a tour in our inspiration universe while you wait.