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RT 473 Prima



Grey waterstruck brick.

Prima is a series of waterstruck bricks that have undergone  eclectic processing. Every single brick has its own intriguing aspect, and the series contains both classic and somehow typical colour tones for a striking construction style. Through the water-struck production method on the brick's surface appear many variations and different structures which gives the final facade an interesting aspect.

Please note: Reference images are indicative and variations in color play may occur depending on the brick's firing and surface treatment.
Product photos are studio shots of dry bricks. Finished masonry that is exposed to wind and weather will naturally change expression. We therefore always recommend seeing real reference buildings.

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Wall bricks

Brick-built dwellings

The modern single-family home is brick-built. Buildings in brick are robust and are ideal for the Scandinavian climate because brick has properties unlike any other building materials. Brick-built dwellings have a healthy indoor climate, are energy-efficient and last for generations.

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Prices & delivery

Pris pr. stk.: 11,50 kr. frit leveret Jylland/Fyn
Pris pr. stk.: 12,00 kr. frit leveret Sjælland og brofaste øer

Pris inkl. moms pr. 1. januar, 2025

De vejledende murstenspriser er baseret på køb gennem en af vore forhandlere og gælder samlet leverance på over 7.000 mursten. Ved leverancer under 7.000 mursten vil prisen være højere.

Vores produkter kan købes hos landets førende byggemarkeder og trælaster. For at få et tilbud, anbefaler vi, at du kontakter en forhandler direkte

Formater og forbrug
Dansk Normalformat har målene 228 mm lang, 108 mm bred og 54 mm høj. Fugerne er som regel 12 mm bredde. Forbruget er 63 stk. pr. kvm. facade, men for at tage højde for spild ved tilpasning og håndtering anbefales at regne med 66 stk. pr. kvm.

Anbefaling ved bestilling
Tegl er et naturprodukt, hvor nuanceforskelle kan forekomme mellem brændingerne. For at minimere muligheden for nuanceforskelle anbefaler Randers Tegl, at der altid afgives én samlet bestilling, inklusiv sten til eventuelle teglbjælker, tegloverliggere eller andre præfabrikerede komponenter, uanset byggeopgavens størrelse.
